Prepared Courses
Below is a list of courses that I have taught, a brief overview of their content, and a description of the textbooks used in each course.
- Principles of macroeconomics: An introductory course into macroeconomic analysis. The basic market model is examined as well as a grouping of key economic concepts that will be repeatedly discussed throughout the course. Students are provided a thorough understanding about how tax policy impacts market outcomes. The key fundamentals of macroeconomics are defined and discussed; GDP, inflation, unemployment, financial markets. A strong distinction is made between Classical models and Keynesian models and how their nuances influence fiscal policy and outcomes in the money market. Textbook: Principles of Macroeconomics, Gregory N. Mankiw, current edition. ECON 201 Video Lectures.
- Monetary economics: An intermediate level course on monetary policy and monetary institutions. Students analyze the traditional channels of macroeconomic policy with a focus on monetary (but fiscal as well) policy and its propagation mechanisms. Students learn about the interconnectedness of money and bond markets, systemic risk, interest rate setting behavior, as well as conventional and unconventional monetary policy tools. Textbook: The Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets, Frederic S. Mishkin, current edition. ECON 312 Video Lectures.
- Intermediate Macroeconomics: An advanced undergraduate class about macroeconomic policy. The course utilizes a combination of economic theory, statistical regression, data science, and differential calculus to analyze fundamental relationships in the economy and to measure the effect of macroeconomic policy. Key topics include; the Kaldor facts, classical and ISLM theoretical models, the Solow model, estimating Taylor rules, Phillips curve estimations, and forecasting macroeconomic time series. ECON 437 Video Lectures.
- Regional Economic Analysis: A project based seminar style class design to teach students about the state and larger regional economy. The class is a one-credit hour class that is designed to be taken three times in succession through out the academic year. Students choose at least one topic per quarter to study and write a portion of the quarterly Regional Economic Analysis of Louisiana (REAL) Report. Students also get the opportunity to help write at least one economic impact study through out the year. All students gain utilize the R programming language for graphics and data analysis as well as IMPLAN software for calculations. Supplemental ECON 425 Video Lectures.
- Mathematical economics 1: First part of two course sequence design to study the methods of economic analysis and research. It is a broad survey of mathematical methods and their application to economic problems. The course starts with a review of algebra and set theory and concludes with constrained optimization. It covers additional topics of matrix algebra basics and unconstrained optimization. Both microeconomic and macroeconomic models are explored in the class. Textbook: The Structure of Economics: A Mathematical Analysis, Eugene Silberberg and Wing Suen, Third edition. Supplementary text: Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics, Alpha Chiang and Kevin Wainwright, Fourth edition.
- Mathematical economics 2*: The second part of a two course sequence in mathematical methods in economics. This course is design to prepare economics majors at the undergraduate level for graduate study. It covers various applications of constrained optimization in economics. Comparative statics, general equilibrium models, optimal monetary and fiscal policy models, and simple time dynamic models are explored. Textbook: The Structure of Economics: A Mathematical Analysis, Eugene Silberberg and Wing Suen, third edition. Supplementary text: Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics, Alpha Chiang and Kevin Wainwright, fourth edition.
- Econometrics 1: The first of a two course sequence in empirical/applied econometric study. A review of statistics and probability theory, the basic ordinary least squares regression model, hypothesis testing, assumptions of the model, violations of these assumptions, and corrections. The course also covers an introduction to univariate time series analysis. Truly an applied course, students are provided ample opportunity to estimate models and interpret results. The course is taught using either R or GRETL so students have access to software anywhere. Textbook: Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach, current edition.
- Econometrics 2*: The second of a two course sequence in econometrics. This course blends more of the theory of econometrics with applied analysis. OLS, GMM, and maximum likelihood estimators are derived and explored. Endogeneity, Two stage least squares, and panel models are also studied. The course is taught using either R or GRETL so students have access to software anywhere. Textbook: Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach, current edition.
- Research methods in economics: A seminar style course intended to familiarize students with the process of conducting academic research. Students will hone a measurable/doable research question, construct an appropriate literature review, collect appropriate data, empirically answer their question, and write a professional quality research paper. Students are highly encourage to use their paper as a writing sample for either graduate school applications or during the job process. This class coincides with the deadline for the Economic Scholars Program undergraduate conference held at the Dallas Fed. Textbook: cookbook style.